*Image Transcription: Comic* --- [*Title of Comic strip, by Author*] NOTE: This is for comics that are not made in Reddit, if shown in the image. --- **Panel 1** [*Description of the scene.*] **Character**: Text. --- Next panel

Panel 1

[A blue character raises a hand to gesture at a small brown tower.]

Blue: The goal of the game is to shove features into your project before it falls apart.

Panel 2

[A yellow character holds their hands together under their chin in excitement.]

Yellow: Wow! Sounds like jenga, but in reverse!

Panel 3

[We zoom out to see that the small brown tower is actually a half-dismantled tower of Jenga blocks, with some blocks sitting haphazardly on the grey table underneath. The blue character is now labeled "Manager", and the yellow character "Developer". The Jenga tower is labeled "Successful project", and Developer is adding a new Jenga block labeled "Feature" to the tower. This action is labeled "*Pushes*".]