Most posts have likes or shares in the form of thumbs ups, two arrows, emojis, etc. Feel free to leave those out unless it's important to the clarity of the post. For example, if the text says something like "For every share I'll do [something]", it would be relevant to show how many times the post has been shared.

Sometimes it's hard to figure out what social media platform an image is of because of the graphical differences between app/desktop versions. If you are unsure, feel free to declare it as Image Transcription: Social Media.

Useful Notes:

How to spot a Facebook post

  1. If a post has text over a coloured background or something with emojis.
  2. If the username says something like [Redacted] is with you and 12 others.
  3. If the username says something like [Redacted] is feeling anxious/lonely/happy/ watching Star Wars.
*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- **Name of Poster** [*Description of images, if any.*] Text of post. NOTE: if your post has text above an image, transcribe the text before describing the image. Transcribe the text and image in the order they appear. (but "Name of the Poster" must always stay on top to avoid confusion if there are several posts). *Image Transcription: Facebook Post and Comment* --- **Name** [*Description of images, if any.*] Text of post. NOTE: if your post has text above an image, transcribe the text before describing the image. Templates show how to format things, not the order to follow (but "Name of the Poster" must always stay on top to avoid confusion if there are several posts). > **Name of Commenter** > > [*Description of images, if any.*] > > Text of comment.


[Text on a pink background, with an illustrated neon heart.]

Things happen for a reason and only time will tell what will happen. God closes one door, but opens a better one 🙈

> Blue
> Like tacos

> Pink
> [A gif of a pixel art taco dancing]

> Blue
> It's cool fam I'll take you out for tacos

> Pink
> Aww 🙈 thankyou for inviting me and my boyfriend for tacos 😄

> Blue
> Hell I'll buy him tacos also

> Blue
> Shit I'm taking a hole group it wasn't just you to begin with